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All Users

A User is anyone who is registered in the system. This includes regular users, admins, sub-admins, and super admins. The users can be searched and filtered by email, first and last name, status, role, teams, etc.

User Management

The users tab is where users are granted activation, their permissions, teams, projects, and certifications. This information can be accessed by selecting on the user, and a modal on the left side will appear that provides all of the basic information on that user.

User Access

The actions that can be taken for each user are as follows:

Bulk EmailAllows users to copy or download a specified user's email.
Make announcementAllows users who have access to the management tab to make an announcement to selected users.
Refresh User Info (Dry-update log)Allows users to update all the user information with the same content. The purpose is to re-record their information in the audit log.
Add certificationAllows users to grant certifications which are necessary to be in a project.
Add to projectAllows users to edit the project the user is in, its role, restrictions and expiration date for the project membership.
Add to teamAllows users to be added to a team.
Change roleAllows users to alter the type of user they are in the system.
Apply profileAllows users to apply a custom user profile.
Change stateAllows users to alter a user's state.
Disable account untilAllows users to disable a user's account until a specified date.
Edit metadataAllows users to edit the First/Last Name, contact email, department and position.
Delete Users with higher roles can completely delete a user from the system which removes their existence from the database. Deleted users cannot be reactivated.

Most of the actions listed above can be done for a bulk of users. For example, a list of users can be selected and then added to a team. Actions that can be done on multiple users remain in the top menu bar after more than one user is selected. In order to select multiple users, hold down the Shift button.

Bulk Email

The bulk email action allows users to select a bulk of other users and copy or download their email addresses. This is an alternative way to grab emails to communicate with users via an email client. To perform this action go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Select the users you would like to bulk email then click Bulk Email. You may copy or download the email addresses.


You can use the Bulk Email option in other Management tabs such as: Sub-admin Managed objects, Resources by User, Team Memberships, Project Memberships, User certifications, VM Hardware Setups, VM Configurations, Running VMs, Service VMs, Drives, ISO images, Backup Domains, and Escrow Users.

Bulk Email
Bulk Email Action in other Management tabs

Make announcement

The make announcement action allows users to select an announcement to a bulk of users at once. To make an announcement go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Find the user you would like to make an announcement to, then click Make announcement.

Make Announcement

Refresh User information

The refresh user info is used to ensure that a user and all of their information is propagated to the audit log. To refresh user info, go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Find the user you would like to refresh info for then click Refresh user(s) info.

Refresh Users Info

Add certification

This action is used to grant user certifications that are needed to meet project requirements. This action can be applied to multiple users at once. To add certification to a user go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Find the user you would like to add the certification then click Add certification.

Add User Certification

Add to project

To add a user to a project go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Find the user you would like to add to project then click Add to project(s). Users may also select multiple users and add all of them to a project as seen in the video below.

Add multiple users to a project.

Add to team

A user can be Added to a team in this section. For more about teams and why they are crucial, please visit the teams section of documentation. In the video below, multiple users are selected to be added to a team.

Add Users to a Team

Change role

A user's role can be altered such as user to admin or admin to user. One must have the correct permissions to promote or demote users. To perform this action go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Select the user you would like to change role for then click Change role.

Change User Role

Apply Profile


Apply profile option may be used when a custom user profile was designed for specific users.We do not recommend using custom user profiles in the beginning, other than the default user profiles set by the system which can be applied from the Change role option as seen above.

To perform this action go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Find the user you would like to change state for then click Apply profile. Select your custom user profile choice.

Apply User Profile

Change state

A user's state is defined by a user being active or inactive. A user can change state here as well as if their account can be escrowed. To perform this action go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Find the user you would like to change state for then click Change state.


A user's account can also be deactivated the same way. When deactivating a user, a reason must be provided for this action.

Change User State

Edit Metadata

Once a user is in the system, they may wish to edit information such as their name, their contact email, or their role. This can be accomplished as follows.
Go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Select the user you would like to edit the metadata for then click Edit metadata.

Edit User Information

Delete User

To delete a user go to tab and select Users in the left panel. Find the user you would like to delete then click Delete.

Delete User Information